What to do and what not to do when commenting on Edublogs
Here is a running list of Proper Commenting Protocols, grown by each incoming sixth-grade class.Marc Wathieu via Compfight
Our Rules on How to Comment Nicely, Correctly, and Safely; Commenting Guidelines
- Be helpful, not hurtful
- No profanity or put-downs
- No spam/ trolls
- Engage in helpful conversations
- Check the guidelines
- Use the HTML code to leave a link to your blog:
<a href=”URL TO YOUR BLOG POST”>WORDS THAT WILL SHOW AS A LINK</a> - Write things that the writer can improve on, not just random stuff
- Proofread!
- Only comment about things that are relevant to the post
- Leave useful comments that might help the writer improve later
- Always be respectful
- Don’t bore the reader to sleep
- Make sure that you look at all the comments before you write yours (someone might have already written what you were going to say)
- Don’t be a jokester to people. Â Maybe people take things personally and you might think it’s a joke.
- Don’t lie about your topic
- Always write positive and respectful comments
- Don’t leave your personal information
- Be specific
- Comments should be written in letter format
- [Greeting],[Comment related to their post]Â [A connection]Â [Invite them to your blog]Â [HTML Link]
(Your Username) - Dear (Writer),I love what you wrote about books. The Lightning Thief sounds like a wonderful, adventure-filled book! Check out my post my favorite books!
(Your Username)
- [Greeting],[Comment related to their post]Â [A connection]Â [Invite them to your blog]Â [HTML Link]
- Remember, being online does not mean you’re hiding; people can still report you.
- No plagiarizing!!!!!!
- Do not put down any irrelevant comments
- Ask questions! It can help develop conversations and help the blogger come up with an idea for another post.
- Do not use the commenting section as a way to chat with friends (it’s not YouTube)
You May Practice commenting on this post!
Dear Ms.Kojima,
I will definitely follow these guidelines everytime I comment on a post. Here is a link to my blog. http://hmsadam.edublogs.org/
Thank you,
Dear Ms. Kojima,
I think that these commenting guidelines will really help us do better in our commenting.
Visit my blog here:
Leilani’s Blog
Dear Ms. Kojima,
Thank you for giving us these commenting guidelines. I think these commenting guidelines are very helpful. I sure will follow them.
Visit my blog here:
Mari M’s Blog
Next time, try to add different colors to make different sections for the guidelines.
Dear Ms. Kojima,
Thank you for these tip on how to comment, they will really help me improve my commenting skills.
Jenny’s Blog
Next time, you shouldn’t have too many bullet points.
Dear Ms. Kojima,
There guidelines were very helpful and I will be sure to use them while commenting!
Come check out ”my blog!”
Dear Ms. Kojima
I will follow these rules to comment better on others blog posts.
Come and check out my blog!
Shayann’s Blog
Dear Ms. Kojima,
I will certainly use these commenting guidelines in the future and I am sure that everyone found them very helpful.
Come to see my blog sometime:
Chloe’s Blog
Thank you,
Hi Ms. Kojima
I did this in your classroom so I hope this might be good. These commenting guidelines helped me because you helped me personally in class. I’m going to use this site just in case if I mess up the coding stuff for my blog.
Hello Ms. Kojima,
I will definitely use these commenting guidelines in the future. Thank you so much for providing them.
Come check out my blog
Reise’s blog
Dear Ms.Kojima
These guidelines are definitely gonna help me in the future. I’m excited to try these new tips! Please check out my blog here.
Dear Mrs. Kojima,
Thank you for this commenting guideline. It helps me make great comments. So I will try to use all the things listed for my comments on other peoples blogs and here is a link to my blog http://hmstayne.edublogs.org/.
Dear Ms.Kojima,
Thank you so much for creating an awesome page like this. I think that it will really benefit many bloggers like me. I will definitely use these guidelines on future comments! Come check out my blog!
Hi Ms. Kojima,
These commenting guidelines are really helpful. I will make sure to use them as references for future comments!
Visit my blog here – Raya’s Blog
Thank you,
Salutations Ms Kojima,
The commenting guidelines did help me out! I appreciate the steps in order to properly comment on others posts or blogs.
Here is my blog.
Hello Ms. Kojima,
I will be sure to remember and execute the proper instructions in order to post a good comment.
Please feel free to visit my blog here
Thank you for you time
Dear Ms. Kojima,
Thank you for the commenting guidelines. I will try to use them to comment better on other’s posts.
Come check my blog here
Hi Ms. Kojima,
Thank you for these really advanteous tips. I guarantee I will take advantage of these tips and not take them for granted.
Come check out my blog!
Chad’s Blog.
Much appreciation,
Dear Ms. Kojima,
The commenting guidelines is a really useful tool. It teaches me and to properly comment and be respectful of people’s blogs.
If you want to check out my blog click here
Thank You
From, hmscaden