Student Blogging Challenge Week 7: Visiting and Commenting


Miss W wonders how many comments you have received on your blog. How many are from your teacher or classmates? How many from a commenter in the challenge?

But most importantly, how many are from other people around the world?

When she first began blogging back in 2008, Miss W had a personal blog and after a week of writing posts, she had only 6 comments yet her Clustrmap showed lots of visitors had been there. Why weren’t they commenting?

So she wrote a post titled “Why has no one commented?”  Suddenly, Miss W had 16 comments on just that post. Here are some hints from the educators who left comments:

Write for yourself, put your heart into it, and you will start to see your map light up like a Christmas tree!  David

I still find those posts I expect to get a lot of comments don’t – whereas posts I didn’t expect any response to seem to get more.  Tim

What also helps to enhance comments is writing posts that give guidelines, how to’s or provide explicit opinions on things that are relevant. If you keep your posts open to interaction and truthful to yourself, the comments will start coming in. Inge

I’m here because YOU commented on MY blog, so you can see how that can help you make connections! In my experience if you practice what you preach and take the time to read and share on other blogs, more people will be inclined to do the same for you. Kate

Tried and true way to get comments – make comments. Susan

One person told me a couple of ways to develop readers, and this may also help with comments. And that is to treat every post as a conversation. If someone comments on your post, you comment back, and from your own blog. Cathy

Commenting Activities

  1. Follow Cathy’s example – if someone has commented on your post, comment back. If they have left an URL, check it out and leave a comment there as well
  2. Follow Kate’s example – read at least 10 blogs and comment on those that really interested you

Visiting Activities

  1. Follow Susan’s example – visit some blogs from the free choice or global issues posts and leave some comments – include your blog URL if you want them to visit your blog – or leave your post URL if you want them to visit a specific post to comment on. Miss W also included some great posts to visit below.

Writing Post Activities

  1. Follow Inge’s example – write a post that gives guidelines or how to do something or expresses an opinion. Invite visitors to comment by finishing with a question.
  2. Follow David’s example – write a post for yourself showing your voice and putting your heart into it.


When you have finished commenting and visiting (doing at least one activity per section) for this week, write a post explaining:

  • Which activities you did
  • Which blogs you went to: include links
  • Which posts you read and /or commented on: include links and why you commented on certain posts
  • What you enjoyed or didn’t enjoy about this week’s activities


Great posts Miss W spotted when checking out comments:


Student Blogging Challenge Week 6: Quotes

This is a guest post from Kathleen Morris. 

Kathleen is a primary school teacher from Geelong in Australia. She began blogging with her students in 2008.

Kathleen writes on her own teacher blog and also on The Edublogger. 

All About Quotes

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.

~Dr. Seuss

Have you ever tried adding a quote to your blog post? A quote is simply where you write someone else’s words.

You might use quotes from:

  • well known people
  • books or movies
  • other bloggers
  • your teachers or friends

Reasons To Use Quotes:

  • You can back up your thoughts and make your writing more credible (that means true or believable).
  • The readers of your posts can get new ideas by hearing from others.
  • A quote can be an interesting way to start or end your blog post.
  • You can learn a lot from researching quotes.

How Do You Put A Quote In Your Post?

You can just type your quote into a post and put it in quotation marks, but to really make it stand out and break up your text, try blockquotes.

Using blockquotes is easy. Below are the instructions for Edublogs.

When you’re in your visual editor:

  • type the quote
  • highlight the words in your quote
  • click on the quotation mark icon

It will then display like this…

You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. ~A.A. Milne

Note: The way the blockquotes display depends on your theme.

Where Can You Find Quotes?

You might already have some favorite quotes stored in your memory.

You might do a Google search for articles on your topic and find quotes from others.

You might browse your favourite blogs or books for quotes.

There are some online collection of quotes such as GoodReads Quotes and LitQuotes (Note: these aren’t designed for children so we recommend only teachers or older students use these sorts of sites).

Using Quotes The RIGHT way

We know we can’t just take images that we find online, and we certainly can’t copy others’ writing and publish it as our own. So, many people might wonder about using quotes.

It’s fine to use quotes from others but there are a few things to be aware of:

  • Make it obvious which words are your own, and which words belong to someone else (you do this by using quotation marks or block quotes).
  • Make your quotes brief. Perhaps a few sentences. Never copy the whole post.
  • Always include the person’s name (also link to their site, article, or book if you can).
  • If you’re using blockquotes, the attribution could be before the quote, inside it, or below it.
  • If you shorten a quote, use an ellipsis (…) in place of the missing words.
  • If you’re adding any words or corrections to the quote, use brackets.

Do one of the following activities.

Now you know a little about the how and why of using quotes, it’s time to get creative! Choose one or more of the following activities.

Activity One: Make Your Quote Visual

Write a blog post that has at least two visual quotes.

There are many ways to add quotes to an image. You can do this offline using a program like PowerPoint or Paint.

There are also many online tools for turning your quote into an image. Some of these include:

Here’s an example I made in Canva.if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”

Don’t forget to add the image you create to your blog post.

Activity Two: Quote other students

Interview some of the students in your class or around the school and include at least five of their quotes in a blog post.

You could choose a specific topic to interview students about.

For example:

  • opinion on your school uniform
  • favorite things to do at lunchtime
  • best places to play around your town
  • reasons why your school is great

Activity Three: Explore a quote in a post

Choose a quote from a fellow student’s blog post as a topic for a post of your own. Write the quote at the top of your post. Explore the quote in detail and add your own thoughts and opinions.

You might want to look back at some of the posts from the Global Issues topic in Week Four for some inspirational quotes.

Activity Four: Make a post full of quotes

Create a blog post that is a compilation of at least five quotes.

For example:

  • If you were studying World War Two, you could put together a collection of important quotes from this time in history.
  • If your class went on an excursion, like the museum, you could add quotes from all the students about the day.
  • If you were studying a divisive topic, like animal testing or closing a local library, you could interview members of the community and include their quotes in the post.

Still more time to spare?

Complete another of the above activities or consider doing the following:

  • Visit the blogs of other students and classes involved in the challenge. Leave a comment of one of their recent posts. Don’t forget a question and compliment can be great to include in comments.
  • Leave a comment on this post sharing your favorite quote with Miss W.

Student Blogging Challenge Week 5: Free Choice


Cabra hispanica Montserrat

Pedro Luna Guillen via Compfight

The first few weeks of the challenge were mainly learning about blogging skills you need when working on public sites on the internet. You should have learned the following so far:

  • Avatars – what they are, how they are used, and how to create one and upload it to your blog
  • About me pages – the difference between a page and a post, what is private information, and what you can say on your blog, being a good digital citizen
  • Commenting – what makes a great comment, what you expect from a comment on your blog, guidelines for blogging and commenting in your class
  • Images, sounds, video – what is creative commons, how to find safe and usable images, what is an attribution and how to write it, websites with great images, creating your own images, using images for puzzles and games, an image paints a thousand words when writing a story or poem
  • URLS – the difference between a BLOG URL when leaving a comment on someone’s blog you are visiting and POST URL when filling in weekly form or commenting on the challenge blog


This week’s activity is free choice

Have some interesting posts for your visitors to read when they get to your blog.  Miss W will not going to give any clues as to what to put in your posts but remember the following, especially if you want a post flipped to our magazine. Also take note of the page titled ‘Post ideas’ above Miss W’s header.

Having read many student posts, Miss W came up with the following essentials in a great post. Be sure to include all in your post!

  1. catchy title
  2. includes at least one visual (with attribution) whether photo, cartoon, video or another web 2.0 tool like padlet or glogster
  3. interesting topic with the passion of the author coming through
  4. well written and not copy/pasted from somewhere else
  5. shows it has been proofread and spellchecked
  6. written in paragraphs – at least three of them
  7. includes links to other websites on similar topics – at least two of these

Those posts covering the seven things mentioned above will be added to the Flipboard magazine. Many students are forgetting to add links to other websites relating to the topic they have written about. Remember links show you have researched your topic well and found opinions of others to include in your post.

Help here from Edublogs for adding links to posts.


Still more time left this week?

  • Read some of the posts in the Flipboard magazine – your teacher might want to create a class Flipboard magazine to add to your class blog
  • Visit other classes this time in the lists above the header of the challenge blog or in the list included below
  • Reply to any comments left on your blog especially if from a commenter.
  • Check out the posts written by classes and students that are in our Google spreadsheets (Your posts on sidebar)

Remember YOU have to visit other blogs, leave comments and the URL of your blog before you will get any comments on your blog. This is how the conversations and connections get made – by visiting and commenting on other student and class blogs.

Check out these class blogs for students aged 7-9. Many students have their own blogs in the sidebar.

Creative thinkersPenguinvilleMrs AvnorSmith Kid BloggersMrs KundhiMrs MooreCW EastFriends of 3rd Dimension3E NewsLa Decouverte – leave comments on the Welcome post for this blog

No form to fill in this week, instead leave a quality comment on Miss W’s post explaining your choice for your post. Also explain what you have done to improve your blog ready for your visitors in a couple of weeks.

Student Blogging Challenge Week 4: Global Issues

Color dominoes

Creative Commons License Carlos ZGZ via Compfight

Think globally, act locally (Miss W)


  • My recycling bin has more in it every week than my normal rubbish bin.
  • I have a worm farm that chews up any extra fruit and vegetable rubbish I might have left over.
  • Whenever I go for a walk, I pick up any rubbish especially on the beach nearby.


  • I sponsor a Panda with World Wildlife Fund
  • I sponsor a child in Sri Lanka to improve the lifestyle of the child, their family, and community. Have sponsored since I received my first pay cheque as a teacher back in the 1970s.
  • I donate to Kiva with micro loans of $25. I have made 69 loans so far and 8 friends I have invited have also made loans

What could you do about some of these world problems?

Here is a great website with lots of information about many topics below.

There might be some that are more specific to your area of the world. But this week research one of the following topics:

  • hunger
  • water
  • racism
  • use of resources
  • global warming
  • specific aspects of the environment
  • unemployment
  • war and unrest
  • use of land
  • terrorism
  • HIV/Aids
  • child labor
  • women’s rights
  • education and literacy
  • another global issue of your choice

Do at least one of the red activites.  You cannot do an activity that you have already completed (in previous SBCs).

Activity 1: Research one of the above topics


Create a post that includes links to where you researched and some images with attribution. You might also want to include a poll or survey, a collage of images, a slideshow you have created. You may have found a great video you could also include.

Here are some links to where you might get some ideas –  ACEE – student voicesGlobal Oneness project – bringing the world to your classroom, students and teachers becoming Global Citizens

Activity 2: Global issues in your classroom

Have you or your class taken part in some work associated with a global issue? Create a post about what you were involved in. Maybe it was a global activity rather than an issue – eg Pi day, Global Read Aloud, Earth Hour.

Here is a wonderful newish website about projects students and classes can join in.

Activity 3: Visit other blogs

Visit at least ten other blogs not from your country. Leave comments asking questions about some of the issues they might have in their country. Make some comparisons between the countries taking part in the challenge. Write a post about your findings.

Activity 4: Be creative

Use a web 2.0 tool to be creative about global issues. This might be a poll or survey, a quiz, write a poem, create a poster, draw a picture, write a story or cartoon about a superhero saving the world – just be creative. Check out the tools to use in the sidebar of Miss W’s blog.

Activity 5: Do something

Do something about a global issue. Click on the links below to games and activities for kids about global issues. What did you choose to look at? Write a review in your post.

Action Aid resources, Know My WorldiEarn in many countries of the world, World SavvyKiva – help entrepreneurs around the world

Still more time to spare?

Visit students and classes from the other countries involved in the challenge. Leave a comment or question relating to a global issue that might be affecting them.

Leave a comment on Miss W’s blog telling her the global issue you think is most important to be solved. It might not be one of those mentioned in the post. Give reasons why it should be the first issue solved.

Student Blogging Challenge Week 3: Images, Videos And Music


This week’s activities are going to be fun but first, there are some things you need to know so please read carefully!

Miss W has been visiting many blogs over the last few weeks. Some students new to blogging have been writing some great posts while others who have been blogging for a bit longer have started adding videos and images to their posts.

Yes, this week we deal with using images, videos, music, and sounds in your posts.

But can’t I use any image, music or sound that is on the internet?

No, you must use creative commons, public domain or in some cases the fair use rule.

But where can I find these images, music and sounds? Can’t I use anything when I google an image?

No, your blog is public so you must use creative commons images, sounds, music and videos.

Sue Waters over at Edublogs has created a student blogging boot camp with lots of interesting posts. Check these out!

Other places to find information on creative commons



Check out Sue Water’s post from the student blogging boot camp where she shows how to create and upload your own videos as well as where to find videos and how to embed on your blog posts.

Music and sound effects

JamendoCCMixter, post with 14 websites for music, post with 20+ websites for music, post with 55+ sites with sound effects


Now for the activities for this week:
Do one activity for each color (2/3, 4/5, 6/7/9/10).

Activity 1. Do some more research on the topic of attribution and licenses and perhaps create your own class video about using images, music, and videos in class.

View the first video on Miss W’s page about the reaction of students in Mrs. Yollis’ class when she mislabelled their artwork. How would you have felt?

Activity 2. Take a photo or find an image or piece of music. Add it to a new post (with attribution) and write a poem relating to the image or music. Invite your readers to write their own poems. Here is Fernando’s example, and Samantha‘s example is confused

Activity 3. Similar to activity 2. Take a photo or find an interesting landscape image (include attribution) or create the beginning of a video.  Write the beginning of a story relating to your image or video (at least two paragraphs). Remember to include a conflict of some sort between your characters. Invite your readers to finish the story. How many different endings can you get? Which ending do you prefer? You might need to visit some other bloggers and invite them to finish your story. Remember to leave the URL of your post for them to click on.

Activity 4. Write a sentence using just images – no words OR find 5 images that create a story – again no words only the attribution for each image.

Activity 5. Create a slideshow, photo gallery or poster about your interests to add to your about me page or as a separate post. Your final slide should include attribution for each image. Noah created a great gallery with captions

Activity 6Create your own images and add to a new post. In your post, add a link to the website or tool you used to create your image and describe your image.

Other options for creating your own images include:

  2. ToonDoo
  3. Befunky
  4. Big HugeLabs
  5. PhotoFunia
  6. Wordle

Mixing up your images using these types of tools can really spice up your posts! Leave a comment on this post, if you or your class can recommend some other image sites to add to this list.

Activity 7.  Zoom out from an image

We first tried this activity in the challenge in September 2010. Choose a picture, and have your readers zoom out, so to speak, by leaving comments.  Check out the example from Huzzah who finished their story. If doing this activity, include the word ‘zoom’ in your title so I can find it easily. Remember to give attribution. Most important here is to read previous comments so you can add to the story.

Check out these zoom pictures: BeckyJacquelineAbbey

Activity 8.  Go back to previous posts (classwork)

If you have used images in any previous posts you have written, then you are ethically obliged to give the correct attribution or take the image out of the post if it does not have the right creative commons license.

Activity 9.  Create a jigsaw from your image. Mrs. Schmidt’s class has done this using Jigsaw Planet. Here is her explanation:

Last week (2014) my students made some jigsaw puzzles about famous places in our area.  First each student created one Power Point Slide showing a photo and some facts about a location in our area.  They saved the slide as a JPEG and then uploaded it to Jigsaw Planet.  Once the puzzle was created, they published a link to it on their Kidblog. Click on Niamh’spuzzle link. Maggie created a tough jigsaw. Anisha created a jigsaw from her avatar.

Activity 10. Make a game using images. This class in Australia based their game on 4pics 1 wordapp.


Still got time left this week:

  1. Check out some good avatar posts I found in the list and I mention below
  2. Reply to comments on your own blog
  3. Start using tags and categories with each post you write to make it easier for people to find posts on certain topics. Make sure you have the tags and categories widgets in your sidebar.

Student posts: RajyashorilHaileeYasha17KofiNicholasClaire LouiseJudeJordan,

Some class posts: Mrs. ScalesWindy Woods Farm homeschool, Mrs. Vazquez,


Flipboard magazine – are you in there yet?

Miss W will only be adding posts to the flipboard magazine that:

  • are written in paragraphs
  • have been proofread
  • include an image, sound or video with attribution

So make sure you have taken note of this week’s learning about creative commons.

Most important learning from this week’s challenge is:

Use creative commons images or public domain, not just any image on the net. Always include attribution of where you found the image. Compfight plugin does this for you.

PS If you have done the blogging challenge before, you will find these activities are nearly the same each time. If you have ideas for different activities please leave a comment on Miss W’s post.

Student Blogging Challenge Week 2: Comments

Admin for week 2:

When visiting many blogs last week, Miss W noticed your pages in Edublogs often didn’t allow for comments to be written. You might need to do the following:

  1. Go to your about me page and open it in your dashboard.
  2. In the top right corner, click on screen options and make sure Discussions and/or comments are ticked. Close screen options.
  3. Now below the writing area for your page, you should see a drop-down labeled Discussions.
  4. Make sure you have ticked the boxes about leaving comments.
  5. If your About Me page isn’t visible as a link on your blog, you will need to add the widget called Pages to your sidebar.


About week 2: Commenting skills

This is another important week in the challenge. Blogging is all about having your voice heard and connecting with others who might like to read and comment on what you have written. But, as in many things we humans do, there are some protocols bloggers in schools like to follow.

Check out these videos about leaving quality comments. The first video was created for one of the very first blogging challenges back in 2009 by Mrs. Yollis’ grade 3 students and it has been seen by thousands of students who have taken part in the blogging challenges since then. This video is suitable for all ages but specifically primary/elementary school or lower. But those in middle/high school or older might like to check out the second video which is more suited to an older age group. Click here to view the two videos.


Complete the activities in Red.

Activity 1: Create a ‘How to comment’ page on your blog with Commenting Guidelines.

Many themes and blogging platforms have different ways to leave a comment. You might need to click on the title of the post, or click on a number in a circle or click on the words ‘Leave a comment’. Write a page for your blog explaining how to leave a comment. You could write it as a set of steps or perhaps create a video showing what to do. Be creative. Here is an example on my family history blog. Mrs. Yollis created a video showing how to comment on her blogspot blog. You might prefer to add the instructions in a text widget on your sidebar instead of a page.

Remember, though, if you change themes you might also need to change these instructions. *If you made a page like this in the past, you don’t need to make a new one, but you should ask to have it turned into a draft to update it to explain what you expect when someone leaves a comment on your blog.

  • What type of comment is acceptable?
  • Which type of comment will you put in the trash?

Here are some examples:

Huzzah commenting guidelines,  a Glogster poster about commenting, WarriorKat used a variety of tools for her guidelines, notice how Sophie included a link back to Mrs. Yollis’ blog where she got her information from, Hunter created a PowToon,  Alane has some commenting guidelines,  Sophie included extra info about commenting, Alicia has written in a great format for easy reading, Kate has used two web tools to create her commenting post, Pinky created a commenting recipe, Summer was very creative, Fiona explained her tips in detail.

Activity 3: Leave a comment with HTML on Miss W’s post

Each week the best posts published in the Student Blogging Challenge are featured in our Flipboard magazine.

So your activity is to practice leaving a comment below with a link to your post for an activity you’ve completed this week or last week.

But first, you need to know the difference between your BLOG link and your POST link

  • Blog link:
  • Post link:

If leaving a comment on an Edublogs blog, here is a post explaining the HTML to use.  If you want to leave a link to your blog that looks neat and tidy, check out this post.

Activity 5: Visit other student or class blogs

Visit 4 other blogs on the lists above the header area. Leave a quality comment on one post on each blog. Might be the About Me page or another post you found interesting.  Write a post on your blog mentioning who you visited, which post you left a comment on and why, then include the comment you left. Hint: make sure you copy the comment before you hit the submit button. Here are some examples from other students: Allegra, Izzy, Callie, Sally but try to include a link to the actual post you left a comment on.

Will visitors to your blog find it easy to search for a post they might be interested in commenting on? Maybe you need to start using Categories and Tags or make sure you have an archive section.

Got more time to fill this week?

Miss W has started adding posts to our Flipboard magazine for #stubc – check in the sidebar.

Check out other student and class blogs located in the participant tabs in the header area on Miss W’s page.

Check out the page above Miss W’s header called Post Ideas. Lots of topics and special days to write about on your blog.

SBC Week 1: Let’s Introduce Ourselves

Whenever you see either of these avatars or images on the world wide web, you will know it is Miss W or tasteach. She is a retired teacher who began blogging with students in 2008. She still blogs with teachers and students in Tasmania, Australia. She also blogs about her family history and whenever she travels overseas, Davo the Tasmanian devil keeps a blog about his adventures with Miss W. She also blogs about her travels around Australia.

But the event she enjoys most is running the Student Blogging Challenge twice a year, with the help of the staff at Edublogs.

When you meet a new person or join a group, there are three things you will most likely do.

  1. Look at the outside view of the person – do they look like the type of person you would enjoy being with?
  2. Then you would go deeper by asking some basic questions about the person and their interests.
  3. Finally, you would connect through shared interests.

We are going to cover those three things this week by creating an avatar to represent our outside view, create our about me page to show your visitors the type of person you are and your interests then you are going searching for other students your age who also have similar interests.

The two topics for this week: Looking at avatars and creating your About Me page.  Do all of the activities in RED.

Activity 1: Create an avatar to use on your blog.  There are many different avatar creation sites on the web. Miss W has been to many of them and created lots of different avatars. Some you just save and download to your computer to then upload to your blog. Others you need to use the snipping tool to save a square image of your avatar. It is always best to save as a .jpg format.

Here is a collection of websites to use for avatar making.

Activity 3: Write a post about your avatar and how it represents you. Include a link to the website where you created the avatar. Remember to include your avatar as an image in your post. If writing a post about your avatar, choose an interesting title, not just Avatar as this will cause an error on your blog.

Activity 4: Create a series of avatars to represent your family members. Use different avatar websites depending on the person’s interests. Write a post about your family and include the avatar for each person and explain how it represents that person.

Remember – be internet safe, no personal information.

Activity 5: Write or update your About Me pageWhenever Miss W visits a blog for the first time, she always checks to see who the person is that is writing the blog posts. She ponders,”Do they have similar interests to me?” You should practice this, too!

If you already have an About Me page, you might want to create an About my State (see Naho’s)or City page as well. Be creative:

What is the difference between a page and a post?  Check out the information here.

If using Edublogs, here are instructions for creating your page.

  1. Login to your blog, go to Settings> Discussion and make sure the default settings are ticked to allow people to leave comments> save the changes at the bottom
  2. Now go to the dashboard>pages>add new
  3. Change the title to About Me or something similar.
  4. If you only have one row of icons above the writing box, click on the last icon called the kitchen sink or toggle. This opens a second row which allows you to change font colors.
  5. In the box, write a bit about yourself remembering to be internet safe. Make sure you have checked out the pages from other students mentioned – many of them have been blogging for a while.
  6. In the top navigation area is Screen options – open the drop-down arrow and make sure comments is ticked.
  7. In the area under the page writing box, you should see a Discussion box – open this and make sure you have ticked Allow comments.
  8. When you have finished, click the big button on the right side of your screen – probably says update or send for review.
  9. Once you have saved your about me page, go back and delete the sample page.
  10. If your theme doesn’t show pages in the header area, then you will need to go to dashboard> appearance> widgets and drag across the Pages one to your sidebar.

Once you have done your activity for this week, remember to go back to Miss W’s post and fill in the Google form at the bottom of the post.  OR you can leave a comment on Miss W’ post. Include a link to your blog post so she can try to visit in the next week. Great posts will be added to SBC’s Flipboard magazine. 

Finished the work for week 1? Visit other blogs!

One important aspect of blogging is commenting on other blogs. Classes and student participants are grouped according to similar ages. Visit some other blogs, read posts, get ideas from them, leave a comment. Make sure you include your blog URL so they can come to visit your blog.  Are there any students with interests the same as you?

Comment example:
Aloha Miss W,

My name is hmsela and I really appreciate the effort you put into setting up and running the Student Blogging Challenge twice a year.  It’s always so fun to meet other students and I learn a lot!  <a href=”BLOG URL”>Visit my blog</a> to see what I’ve learned so far!


Student Blogging Challenge Week 10: Farewell

Week 10: Farewell From The 19th Challenge

Swallow-tailed Kite

Creative Commons License Andy Morffew via Compfight

This is our last post for the Student Blogging Challenge until we start again in March 2018. Miss W hopes you have enjoyed the activities and the chance to make connections with other students and classes around the world.

We have had a great 10 weeks of blogging. You have learned so many skills to help you improve your blogs. Many of you have improved those writing skills or maybe digital skills with using a variety of tools to embed on your blog. But it is now time to evaluate your progress as well as the progress of the blogging challenge itself.

This week there are two things to do:

  1. Evaluate your own blog
  2. Evaluate the actual blogging challenge

Activity 1. This is an audit of your blog since the beginning of October 2017.
Make a post with the following two parts: Individual (your complete answers the questions below) AND Other (a student, teacher, or parent who has not seen your blog’s complete answers to the other four questions).

  • How many posts did you write?
  • How many were school based, your own interests or set by the challenge?
  • How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers or overseas students?
  • Which post received the most comments? Why do you think that happened?
  • Which post did you enjoy writing the most and why?
  • Did you change blog themes at all and why?
  • How many widgets do you have? Do you think this is too many or not enough?
  • How many overseas students do you have on your blogroll?
  • Which web tools did you use to show creativity on your blog?

Now ask another student and teacher/parent from your school who has not read your blog to do an audit: Sit beside them while they navigate around your blog, record what you observe as they interact with your blog. When finished, ask them the following questions:

  1. What were your first impressions of this blog?
  2. What captured your attention?
  3. What distracted you on the blog?
  4. What suggestions can you give me to improve my blog?


Activity 2. Evaluating the challenge.
Leave a quality comment on Miss W’s post, giving your opinion of the challenge. You should mention some of the following things:

  • the most interesting challenge for you
  • how often you visited other blogs and left comments
  • whether you read the challenge Flipboard magazine
  • a PMI or plus/minus/interesting point about the challenge
  • the most important thing you learned while doing the challenge



This is the nineteenth challenge and sometimes Miss W feels like the activities are getting stale especially for those students who have taken part in more than one set of challenges. So there is a new page that you all can contribute to. Every month of the year, there are special events, festivals, birthdays of authors etc. Which ones do you think it would be interesting to write about? Visit the post ideas page and add your ideas in the comments.

Thanks again for taking part in this challenge! Hopefully, you will take part again in March next year.

Keep writing, keep reading the magazine, and if you have a great post you would like Miss W to add to the magazine over the summer/winter break, feel free to leave a comment on her blog.

Student Blogging Challenge Week 9: Have I Improved?

Week 9: Have I improved?

O, Let Me Ne'er Forget

Mike Trimble via Compfight

Now is your chance to prove your blogging skills!

Activity 1: Write the very best post you can for your teachers and visitors to read.

Remember essentials for a great post:

  1. catchy title
  2. includes at least one visual (with attribution) whether photo, cartoon, video or another web 2.0 tool like Padlet or Glogster
  3. interesting topic with the passion of the author coming through
  4. well written and not copy/pasted from somewhere else
  5. shows it has been proofread and spellchecked
  6. written in paragraphs – at least three of them
  7. includes links to other websites on similar topics – at least two of these
  8. ends with a question to lure your visitors into leaving a comment

Your choice of topics (only choose one of them)

  • History
  • Inventions
  • Travel
  • Favourites
  • Science

When you have finished your post and your teacher has published it, then return to Miss W’s post and leave a link to your post. We still have some students just leaving a link to their blog rather than the exact post.

Do you still have time left? 

  1. Visit other blogs and leave quality comments.
  2. Read the magazine and visit posts to leave comments on.
  3. Do you have a favorite blog (not from your class though) that you visit often? Write a post about that blog and why you keep going back there. Remember to include links to a couple of posts they have written. Also, leave a comment on their blog to say you have written a post about them.

Student Blogging Challenge Week 8: Game Week

Week 8: Let’s Play A Game Or Two


Creative Commons License Hurca! via Compfight


Did you enjoy visiting the students and teachers blogs from a couple of weeks ago?

Did you leave a comment on one or more of them?

Have you checked back if the poster answered your comment?

I know that many comments were left by students and I also know many have been answered. Check these out:

Hello Ms. W,

This week by being one of the students on the list, I noticed quite a lot. Many people like to comment about their own stories and then ask questions to learn more, which is really nice. Their questions typically regarded my travels, so they were fun to answer and talk about, but mostly, I loved to hear people’s stories. It’s so great to hear from people with similar experiences! Thanks for choosing me to be on the list!



Dear Miss W,

I am very exited to have had participated in this week’s challenge. I received a lot of positive comments and although there were a lot of comments to answer, it was very fun meeting new people and getting to know their ideas. Thank you so much for organizing this week’s challenge.


Hello Ms. W,
I have taken the time to answer to most of my comments, I couldn’t answer all of them because 236 comments is a lot.
Thank you,

Before playing the games, make sure your blog is ready for visitors.

  1. You have lots of interesting posts for visitors to read and comment on.
  2. Visitors can find posts by using tags or categories on your sidebar.
  3. You have a visitor widget to see where your visitors are coming from.
  4. You have at least five student and/or class blogs from other places around the world on your sidebar.

After doing the four blue steps above, complete one of the red activities below.

Game week is all about visiting other blogs.

Remember one of the main aims of blogging includes commenting and carrying on conversations with the author of posts and their other readers.

A good commenter will have:

  • read the post carefully
  • checked out the links in the post
  • read the previous comments before they leave one of their own
  • added to the conversation with a quality comment – remember that video from Mrs. Yollis’ class
  • included a link to their own blog or a similar post on their own blog


Activity 1: Game 1.  Write your own post saying which blogs you visited and which posts you left a comment on. Why did you choose that post? Remember to include a link back to the post you left a comment on.

This is a game we have run for many challenges and allows you to connect globally.  Those who have taken part in a challenge before know the game of  ‘Count Out Three’. Here are the instructions:

  1. click on a blog on the student list or class list– count one
  2. now click on a blog from the new student’s blogroll – count two
  3. finally, click on a blog from that new blogroll – count three
  4. leave a comment on an interesting post on this third blog.
  5. repeat steps 1-4 at least two more times

*Make sure you are also replying to any comments that have been left for you.

Activity 2: Game 2. Write a blog post mentioning at least three blog posts you read and the comments you left. Why did you choose that post? Remember to include a link back to the post you left a comment on.

This is a new one Miss W thought of to add to the challenge. Many great student posts are being flipped to the #17stubc Flipboard magazine, but she is not sure how many of you have actually checked them out. So here are the instructions for this game.

  1. Click on the Flipboard magazine link here
  2. Click on the title of the post of what looks like an interesting image or a catchy title
  3. You should now be taken to the actual blog post, read it and leave a comment
  4. Go back to the magazine again and repeat at least two more times


Activity 3:  Write a post about the commenting you have done this week or throughout the challenge so far.  Your post should be at least two paragraphs and should have at least one properly attributed picture.

  • What have you enjoyed about commenting?
  • What is annoying about commenting?
  • How have you found interesting posts to comment on?
  • Are your posts getting lots of quality comments? Why or why not?


Activity 4:  Create a list of great comment starters to help new students to blogging. There are some lists on the web but try to create your own.  You should have at least ten comment starters and an example of a full comment (using one of your starters).

Here are a couple of examples from Anne Davis:

  •  Another thing to consider is…….
  • I can relate to this…….
  • This makes me think of…….


Get to it – start visiting and leaving quality comments that show you have read the post. 

How many quality comments could you leave this week? Can you leave 10, 20 or maybe 50?
Don’t forget to leave a comment on Miss W’s post!